Our Shop Talk blog provides a space to explore our quarterly focus areas – wellness, vocation, recreation, and service – more philosophically.
The title is a play on both salon culture and the chatter common to folks who share an industry or affinity.
Check back monthly for updates!

The Business of Balance
True growth often requires more than therapy… it involves cultivating your spiritual side too. In this week’s Shop Talk column, Alexis dives into the theory of “psycho-spiritual development” to provide a holistic perspective on being a full and functional person in the world these days.

Unlocking Creativity (and Sanity) in 3 Pages a Day
It was 2017 when I discovered the Morning Pages.
I was living in NYC. While life looked good superficially – I had a decent job, live-in boyfriend, and Rent the Runway unlimited subscription – inside, I was not exactly thriving. I felt despondent. My chief creative outlet was incorporating “I hate myself” into whatever song was playing on my Spotify.
While catching up with a brilliant (and relapse-prone) college friend, he mentioned Morning Pages helped him kick hard drugs. Fascinating, I thought. Perhaps the exercise could aid my anhedonia?

Playing The Long Game
When I volunteered last week to write our post-election reflection, I admit I had a very different message in mind. Like many, I am still struggling to organize my thoughts. I’m sure they’re in there somewhere – underneath the angst, confusion, frustration, and dystopian visions. But wouldn’t you know, in rooting around in my psyche these last few days, I’m also finding glimmers of wisdom, understanding, and hope.

Action Is the Antidote to Anxiety
I don’t know about you, but with the election imminent, my screentime is smashing personal records. The doom-scrolling is nonstop: I can’t bear to look at the polls and headlines, yet I also can’t tear myself away.
With the fast-changing coverage, my emotions cycle hourly from hope to despondency. When I find myself dwelling in despair for too long, I try to reground by remembering that action is the antidote to anxiety.

Tiptoeing Up the Second Mountain
Tour guides at my alma mater often brag that Mr. Rogers, our most famous alum, launched his career after repeated encounters with a “life is for service” plaque engraved on a campus performance hall.
Although the concept is simple – putting the needs of others before our own – living a life of service is deceptively challenging in our me-first, materialistic world.
At least I’ve struggled with it.